On 03-June-2022, Nirmaan’s corporate partner “Cognizant” has conducted a session on “Introduction of Scratch”. 6 volunteers from “Cognizant” have imparted knowledge to 23 students of ZPHS Hydernagar and ZPHS Chintalguda for 2 hours. Students enjoyed working on scratch platform. The session was interactive and students participated with a great interest. We from Nirmaan organization express our sincere gratitude to the volunteers and the partner for the valuable time and knowledge.

Volunteering session on “ Introudction to Scratch” At ZPHS Hydernagar and ZPHS Chintalguda.
- Volunteering session on “ Introudction to Scratch” At ZPHS Hydernagar and ZPHS Chintalguda.
- Volunteering Session on “Basics of Computers and STEM Learning” to 152 students of NCR for 2 hours.